California Creeks - Alphabetic Table of Runs - Home

Here is a table of all creeks and rivers in this guide, including both recommended and not necessarily recommended runs. Recommended runs are those that most boaters of a given level would enjoy running at least once each year. Parenthesized minimums are for small rafts, 12' and shorter. For a short list of all runs, see the Alphabetic Index of Runs. For additional descriptions and information, see other resources listed in the Bibliography.

Alameda Creek thru Niles Canyon Sunol to Niles Junction near Fremont Class III with brush, which varies by year 4.3 miles,
1 day
kayaks 400 - 1200 cfs measured near Niles take-out (ALN)
American River Confluence (Auburn Dam) Confluence of North and Middle Forks to Folsom reservoir class II+ with one class III 9.9 miles,
partial day
rafts and kayaks 300 - 2000 cfs, class III above 2000 flow (NFD) 40 minutes upstream + Oxbow (OXB) 8-10 hours upstream
American River Main Stem Sunrise Avenue to Watt Avenue Class I with two class II rapids 11 miles,
1 day
rafts 800 - 6000 cfs release from Nimbus Dam (NAT)
American River Middle Fork near Foresthill Ralston Powerhouse to McKeon Road (Greenwood) class IV (with 1 class V, 1 portage), harder at higher flows 16.5 miles,
1 day
rafts 800 - 2000 cfs, kayaks 600 - 2000 measured as release from Oxbow Powerhouse (OXB)
American River Middle Fork near Auburn former Greenwood Bridge to Mammoth Bar dirt bike area class II, one avoidable class III ledge 7.1 miles,
1 day
rafts and kayaks 800 - 2000 cfs, IK minimum 400 measured as release from Oxbow Powerhouse (OXB)
American River North Fork Chamberlain Iowa Hill Road to Shirttail Canyon Class IV+ for entrapment hazards, harder above 1500 cfs 4.9 miles,
1 short day
rafts (500) 900 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 800 - 2500, IK minimum 300 flow measured downstream (NFD)
American River North Fork Giant Gap Euchre Bar trail to Iowa Hill Road class IV+ with 3 class V rapids, harder above 1050 cfs 14.5 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts (500) 700 - 2000 cfs, kayaks 600 - 2500, IK minimum 350 flow measured way downstream (NFD)
American River North Fork below Shirttail near Auburn Yankee Jim Road to Clementine reservoir Class II+ with hardest rapids at the start 9.5 or 5 miles,
1 day
rafts (500) 900 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 4000, IK minimum 400 measured near take-out (NFD)
American River South Fork near Coloma Chili Bar to Folsom Reservoir Class III+ with one IV- 20.5 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts 1000 - 5000 cfs, kayaks 800 - 9000, IK minimum 500 measured as release from Chili Bar dam (CBR)
American River South Fork below Kyburz below Indian Falls to Peavine Road class IV (and maybe a class V) 9.1 miles,
1 day
kayaks 700 - 3000 cfs, IK minimum 500 flow measured upstream at Kyburz (AMK)
Antelope Creek near Red Bluff Payne Place to Cone Grove Park Class III with two IVs 22.5 miles,
1 or 2 days
kayaks and small rafts 400 - 1200 cfs, IK minimum 250 estimate 60% of Deer Creek (DCV)
Arroyo Hondo east of San Jose Kincaid Road to Calaveras Reservoir Class V with portages, flow measured near reservoir (AHD) 16.2 miles,
1 long day
kayaks 200 - 400 cfs approximately put-in a fraction of take-out (AHD)
Arroyo Mocho near Livermore Above Waterfalls to Mines Road bridge Class IV+ (4 portages), runnable with Arroyo Hondo between 8.3' and 8.8' (AHD) 8 miles,
1 day
200 - 400 cfs approximately put-in and take-out similar (AHD)
Arroyo not-so Seco near Soledad Willow Creek to Arroyo Center bridge Class IV, class V- above 600 cfs (demo) 3 hiking and 4 river miles,
1 day
kayaks 200 - 600 cfs, IK minimum 150 unreliable stage at takeout (USGS) or flow downstream (USGS).
Arroyo Valle near Livermore Mount Hamilton Road to Del Valle Reservoir Class IV+ (1 portage, 1 class V) 21 miles,
1 long day
kayaks 700 - 1000 cfs measured as inflow to Del Valle reservoir (USGS site)
Battle Creek South Fork Near Ponderosa Way to Manton Road (A6) Class V- with minor portages 11.5 miles,
1 day
kayaks around 375 cfs as measured near take-out (BAS)
Battle Creek near Red Bluff Manton Road (A6) to Coleman Fish Hatchery Class III with one IV- 12 miles,
1 day
kayaks 500 - 2000 cfs, IK minimum 400 measured by adding forks (BAS) and (BNF)
Bear Creek into Cache Creek top of Canyon to Cache Creek confluence Class IV (with possible portages at certain levels) 5 miles,
1 short day
kayaks 200 - 800 cfs measured as Bear Creek above Holsten (BRK)
Bear River near Colfax Ben Taylor Road to Combie reservoir Class II with some class II+ 8 or 10 miles,
1 day
kayaks 400 - 2000, IK minimum 250 NID-supplied flow at highway 174 (Dreamflows)
Bear Creek above Hwy 44 near Redding Bear Creek Hydro to State Highway 44 Class IV with 1/3 mile of class V-VI (portages) 9.5 miles,
1 day
kayaks 150 - 500 (?) cfs as estimated at take-out from (from BAT)
Bear Creek below Hwy 44 near Redding State Highway 44 to Dersch Road Class III with two class IV rapids 5.1 miles,
half day
kayaks 200 - 800 (?) cfs as estimated at take-out (from BAT)
Beegum Creek Gorge USFS Campground to State Highway 36 class IV+ to V, with 4 or 5 portages 7 miles,
1 day
kayaks 400 - 1000 cfs at take-out estimate 10% of flow at Cottonwood (COT)
Big Sur River past Big Sur Pfeiffer State Park to the Pacific Ocean class II+ (one III) with optional III-IV and ocean surfing 6 or 7.4 miles,
plus possible hiking in and out
kayaks 400 - 1200 cfs, IK minimum 300 flow measured near put-in (USGS site)
Black Butte River near Covelo Headwaters at The Basin to Middle Fork Eel Confluence Class IV+ with 1 portage (plus logs) 24 miles,
2 days
kayak optimum 1000 cfs at take-out estimate 40% of the Eel (DOS)
Brandy Creek above Whiskeytown reservoir end of road to Brandy Creek picnic area class V or V+ 2 miles,
1 day
kayaks 100 - 400 cfs (?) flow level neither monitored nor available
Brush Creek into the Kern Below Helipad into North Fork Kern class IV+ with several portages, class V without 1.6 miles,
1 short day
kayaks 100 - 250 cfs, IK minimum 80 judge by Kern flow measured at Kernville (by Army Corps)
Butte Creek near Chico PG&E Powerhouse to Covered Bridge Class II+ 6 miles,
1 day
kayaks 400 - 1000 cfs, IK minimum 200 flow measured near Chico (BCK)
Cache Creek in Capay Valley Bear Creek to Haswell or Rumsey Class II+ (one portage, one class III) 5.6 or 8.5 miles or more,
1 day
small rafts and kayaks 500 - 5000, IK minimum 450, raft minimum 800 measured near take-out at Rumsey (RUM)
Cache Creek Wilderness Run North Fork at Highway 20 to Bear Creek Class II+ (one or two class III- rapids) 18.7 miles,
1 long day, or camp
small raft and kayak minimum 450 at confluence, IK minimum 400 cfs start on North Fork (USGS site) plus Main at mile 2 (USGS site)
Camp Creek tributary of N Fork Cosumnes Fleming Meadows trailhead to Happy Valley Road Class IV+ with strenuous portages 10.1 miles,
1 long day
kayaks 200 - 400 cfs flow as measured near Somerset (USGS site)
Carmel River near Monterey Carmel Valley to the Pacific Ocean class I with some class II, brushy at high flows 10 miles (or 13.4 miles),
1 day
kayaks 300 - 1200 cfs, IK minimum 200 flow measured near Carmel (USGS site)
Carmel River near Ventana Wilderness Los Padres reservoir to Carmel Valley Village class III after dam removal, very brushy in places 10 miles,
1 day
kayaks 300 - 600 cfs, IK minimum 200 flow measured near Carmel Valley (USGS site)
Carson River East Fork near Markleeville to near Gardnerville Class II+, harder at higher flows 20 miles,
1 or 2 days
kayaks 500 - 4000, rafts 600 - 4000 cfs, IK minimum 400 flow measured below Markleeville (USGS site)
Chetco River in Oregon Carter Creek to Steel Bridge near Brookings Class IV, one class V, possible portages 9.1 miles hiking,
25.6 miles boating, 4 to 5 days
kayak minimum 900 cfs, IK minimum 450 cfs, day of put-in measured near take-out above Brookings (USGS site)
Clear Creek below Whiskeytown reservoir Whiskeytown Reservoir to Sacramento Valley class IV (1 class V-) with easy sections 8 miles,
1 day
kayaks 200 - 1000 cfs dam release as measured by Igo gauge (IGO)
Clear Creek above Whiskeytown reservoir Clear Creek Campground to Trinity Mountain Road class IV, with 5 class V-VI rapids 16 miles,
1 day
kayaks 300 - 600 cfs (or more), IK minimum 200 none, as estimated at take-out
Coffee Creek above Clair Engle reservoir North Fork Confluence to Highway 3 Bridge class III-IV, absolutely continuous 9 miles,
1 day
kayaks 300 - 1000 cfs (or more), IK minimum 250 none, as estimated at take-out
Cosumnes River Middle Fork below Outingdale to Highway 49 Class IV with no portages 9.6 miles,
1 day
kayaks and small rafts 600 - 1200 cfs, IK minimum 300 estimate 40% of flow at Michigan Bar (MHB)
Cosumnes River Upper Run Highway 49 to Latrobe Road Class IV with 1 portage, then class II, harder at higher flows 10.2 miles,
1 day
rafts 600 - 2000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 2500 cfs, IK minimum 400 flow measured at Michigan Bar (MHB)
Cosumnes River Lower Run Latrobe Road to Highway 16 at Rancho Murieta Class III (one IV) with 2 portages, harder at higher flows 9.8 or 6.4 miles,
1 day
rafts 600 - 2000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 2500 cfs, IK minimum 400 flow measured at Michigan Bar (MHB)
Cottonwood Creek Middle Fork Platina Road to North Fork Confluence class III (one III+), then class II 23.5 miles,
1 long day
kayaks 300 - 900 cfs approximately for take-out estimate 40% of flow near Cottonwood (COT)
Cottonwood Creek Middle Fork Upper Run Platina (or Knob Gulch confluence) to Platina Road bridge class IV (easier until Knob Gulch) 11.1 (or 7.5) miles,
1 day
kayaks 100 - 400 (?) cfs for put-in estimate 10% of flow near Cottonwood (COT)
Cottonwood Creek North Fork Ono Bridge to near Middle Fork confluence class IV (one IV+), then class II+ 8 miles,
1 day
kayaks 300 - 900 cfs approximately for take-out estimate 25% of flow near Cottonwood (COT)
Cottonwood Creek North Fork Upper Run Sunny Hill Road to Platina Road bridge class V (with 4 or 5 portages), then class III (2 class IV rapids) 8 miles,
1 day, flow doubles
kayaks 100 - 400 cfs approximately for put-in estimate 8% of flow near Cottonwood (COT)
Coyote Creek east of Morgan Hill Henry Coe Park to Coyote Reservoir Class III with possible logjam portages 12 miles (after 4 mile hike downhill),
1 day
kayaks 200 - 600 cfs, IK minimum 150 several miles downstream of Gilroy Hot Springs (USGS site)
Coyote Creek near downtown San Jose Selma Olinder Park at 280 to Roosevelt Park or 101 Class I with debris and possible logjams 3-4 miles round-trip,
half day
kayaks and canoes, 10 - 50 cfs at William Street (SCVWD) or downstream in Milpitas (USGS site)
Deer Creek (Ishi Creek) Lassen Plateau to Sacramento Valley Upper run Class V (1-3 portages), Lower run class IV (one V) 40 miles,
2 to 4 days
rafts (400) 600 - 1000, kayaks 600 - 1200, IK minimum 300 measured downstream at Vina (DCV)
Dry Meadow Creek into the Kern Top of the Canyon into North Fork Kern class V with several portages, ultra steep 1.2 miles plus 1.8 miles on Kern,
1 day
kayaks 60 - 180 cfs judge by Kern flow measured at Kernville (by Army Corps)
Eel River below Hearst Hearst bridge to Outlet Creek class II with a class III section and flatwater 18.5 miles,
easy day trip above 2000 cfs, camping possible
kayaks and rafts 500 - 8000 cfs at put-in release from Van Arsdale (EVA) plus many side streams
Eel River below Middle Fork confluence Dos Rios to Alderpoint or Fort Seward Class II with about 6 class III rapids, harder at high flows 47 or 53 miles,
3 to 5 days
rafts 1500 - 10000 cfs, kayaks 1000 - 10000, IK minimum 800 flow measured at Fort Seward (FSW)
Eel River Middle Fork near Covelo Black Butte Confluence to Dos Rios Class II then IV (one V) 32 miles,
2 or 3 days
rafts 800 - 4000 cfs, kayaks 800 - 5000, IK minimum 700 flow measured at Dos Rios (DOS)
Eel River North Fork near Kettenpom Salt Creek to Mina Road class IV (2 portages) then class III, harder at higher flows 20.7 miles,
1 long day or 2 days
rafts lower section (400) 600 - 2000 cfs, kayaks upper, IK minimum 400 interpolate 67% of Leggett (LEG) with 30% of Dos Rios (DOS)
Eel River above Middle Fork confluence at or above Outlet Creek confluence to near Dos Rios Class III, harder at high flows 6 miles,
more optional, can be run twice in a day
rafts 500 - 20000 cfs, kayaks 300 - 20000 see below for how to estimate flow (FSW - DOS / 2)
Eel River below Pillsbury reservoir Elk Mountain Road bridge to Eel River Road bridge class III+, class IV above 1000, IV+ above 2000 cfs 5.7 or 8.8 miles,
1 day
rafts (500) 900 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 300 - 6000, IK minimum 200 dam release plus Coyote inflow (EVA + 45), or Dreamflows.
Eel River Rice Fork above Pillsbury Blue Slides Creek to Pillsbury Reservoir Class II with one III and one possible Class V 8 miles (1.5 on reservoir),
1 day
400 - 1000 cfs none, but runnable after recent rain
Eel River South Fork above Leggett Highway 101 (Ten Mile Creek) to Big Bend Class IV with one portage at low flows 16 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts (1600) 1800 - 6000 cfs, kayaks 1500 - 8000, IK minimum 1200 flow measured downstream at Leggett (LEG, or about 40% MRD)
Eel River South Fork below Leggett Big Bend to Redwood Flat Class II with one class II+ 9 miles,
1 day
rafts 600 - 6000 cfs, IK minimum 300 flow is measured at Leggett (LEG)
Elk Creek into the Klamath River Along Elk Creek Road to Klamath River confluence Class IV+ with waterfall portages, harder at higher flows 13 or 5 miles,
1 day
kayaks 200 - 800 cfs, as estimated at take-out flow information not available
Escalante River in southern Utah Highway 12 to Coyote Creek or Powell Reservoir Class I with some II+ and a IV, flow measured near put-in 72 to 93 miles,
one week or more
kayaks 150 - 600 cfs approximately put-in much lower than take-out flow (USGS)
Feather River Middle Fork Upper Runs Highway 89 to Nelson Point campground class II-III (one IV-) not floatable when too low 10.5 and 8.5 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts and kayaks 600 - 2400 cfs reliable estimate on Dreamflows (below Sloat)
Feather River Middle Fork Wild & Scenic Nelson Point to Milsap Bar (Franklin and Devil Canyons) class V with one long portage, harder above 1500 cfs 32.5 miles,
3 days
rafts 1000 - 2000 cfs, kayaks 800 - 2000 then harder flow measured near take-out at Merrimac (MER)
Feather River North Fork Cresta Dam to Poe Reservoir, Rock Creek Dam to Powerhouse class IV then II (IV), class III then V (portage?) then IV 5 miles on Saturday,
8 miles on Sunday
rafts and kayaks 800 - 1600 cfs, possibly 4000 flow approximates schedule dam release
Feather River North Fork Cresta Run Cresta Dam to Poe Reservoir class IV then II (IV), harder at higher flows 5 miles rafts and kayaks 800 - 1600 cfs, possibly 4000 flow approximates scheduled dam release
Fordyce Creek above Spaulding reservoir Fordyce Reservoir to Eagle Lakes and Spaulding Reservoir class V with several portages, harder as flows increase 7 or 12 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts 300 - 600 cfs, kayaks 200 - 600, IK minimum 150 reservoir release (Dreamflows)
Gila River below Gila National Monument Grapevine campground to Mogollon Creek campground Class II with some canoe-class III and possible downed trees 42.6 miles,
4 days or more
canoes and kayaks 200 - 1200, raft minimum 500 measured above Mogollon Creek, near Gila (USGS site)
Goose Creek into South Fork Smith Saddle Road to South Fork Smith confluence Class V 5.6 miles,
1 day
kayaks 300 - 900 cfs estimate 10% of Jedediah Smith gauge (JED)
Grindstone Creek near Willows end of 4WD Grindstone Road to Stony Creek confluence Class III+ (one IV and one portage) 12 miles,
1 day
kayaks 500 - 2500 cfs, IK minimum 300 estimate 25% of inflow to Black Butte Reservoir (BLB)
Guadalupe River thru San Jose Blossom Hill Road to Alviso Class I-II with strainer hazards 14.8 miles,
shorter runs possible, 1 day
kayaks 300 - 600 cfs, 450 is good flow measured near downtown San Jose (USGS site)
Gualala South and Wheatfield Forks Hauser Bridge and/or House Creek to Pacific Ocean Class II+ or Class I 9+ miles of class II,
32 miles of class I, one or more days
kayaks 300 - 1200 cfs on either fork flow measured near confluence (Wheatfield) or (S Fork)
Hayfork Creek Upper Run near Wildwood to East Fork Confluence class V- with 3 portages, harder as flows increase 5.7 miles or longer,
1 day
kayaks 500 - 1200 cfs, IK minimum 300 estimate 35% of Hyampom (USGS site)
Hayfork Creek Lower Run 9 Mile bridge to Trinity Confluence at Hyampom class V, harder as flows increase 15.5 miles,
1 long day
kayaks 700 - 2000 cfs, IK minimum 300 estimate 40% of Hyampom (USGS site)
Illinois River in Oregon Miami Bar to Oak Flat near Rogue confluence Class IV, one class V, no portages 32 miles,
2 to 4 days
rafts and kayaks 800 - 3500, IK minimum 400 cfs measured above put-in at Kerby (USGS site)
Indian Creek into the Klamath East Fork to Klamath River confluence Class III+ with 1 portage, harder at higher flows 8 miles,
1 short day
rafts and kayaks 300 - 1000 cfs flow information not available
Indian Creek into the North Feather Indian Falls to Spanish Creek Class IV with waterfall photo-op, harder at higher flows 4 miles,
1 short day
rafts and kayaks 800 - 1500 cfs, IK minimum 400 flow information not available
Jarbidge and Bruneau Rivers Murphy near Nevada line to Bruneau Idaho Class IV with one portage almost 70 miles,
3 to 5 days
rafts and kayaks 800 - 2400 cfs, IK minimum 600 measured near take-out at Hot Springs (USGS site)
Kaweah River North Fork Upper Granite Slide to National Park Boundary Class IV+ with possible portages and some brush 4.1 miles,
1 full day
kayaks 200 - 800 cfs estimate 33% of Terminus inflow (TRM)
Kaweah River North Fork Lower Park boundary to Paradise beach or Bailey bridge Class IV-V with possible portages, then class III with brush 3.7 or 5.8 miles,
1 day
kayaks 1.2' to 3.0', rafts 1.9' and above stick gauge on Bailey Bridge left (painted gauge 1' higher)
Kaweah River above Terminus reservoir near East Fork confluence to Terminus Reservoir class IV, harder above 1000 cfs 10.7 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts (800) 1500 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 2500, IK minimum 450 measured as inflow to Terminus reservoir (TRM)
Kern River below Isabella reservoir Sandy Flat Camp to Democrat Picnic Area class IV with one portage (class IV+ above 3000 cfs) 11.7 miles,
1 day
rafts 1000 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 600 - 3000, IK minimum 400 same as release from Isabella Reservoir (ISB)
Kern River North (Forks of the Kern) North Fork Kern from Little Kern to Fairview Dam class IV+ with 3 class V rapids, harder above 2000 cfs 17.1 miles,
1 to 3 days
rafts 800 - 3600 cfs, kayaks 600 - 3600, IK minimum 250 similar to flow measured at Kernville (by Army Corps)
Kern River North Fork below Fairview Fairview Dam to Powerhouse #3 Class V (one portage) with brush hazards, harder above 2500 cfs 15 miles,
2 days or 1 long day
rafts 900 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 600 - 2500 cfs often 600 cfs less than at Kernville (by Army Corps)
Kern River North Fork near Kernville Kern Powerhouse #3 to Isabella Reservoir Class II (two IIIs), class III- (one III+) above 1500 cfs 2 or 4 miles,
1 or more hours
rafts 600 - 6000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 1500 then harder, IK minimum 300 measured as North Fork Kern at Kernville (by Army Corps)
Kern River North Fork Headwaters Junction Meadow to Little Kern Confluence class V with multiple portages, harder at higher flows 21 hiking plus 37 river miles,
many days
kayaks 500 - 2500 cfs, raft minimum 800? take-out similar to flow at Kernville (by Army Corps)
Kern River (Rio Bravo) near Bakersfield Rancheria Road to Hart Memorial Park Class II (one III-), with brush hazards at high flows 9 miles,
1 day
rafts and kayaks 1000 - 3000, IK minimum 600 slightly less than release from Isabella dam (ISB)
Kern River Cataracts of the Kern Democrat Diversion Dam to Mouth of Canyon class V+ with portages 10.4 miles,
several days in sections
kayaks 700 - 1750 cfs, or 600 - 2500 417 cfs less than release from Isabella (ISB)
Kern South Fork near Kennedy Meadows Monache Meadow to Long Valley (above Isabella) Class V with many portages, some flatwater 39 miles,
many days
500 cfs or thereabouts flow information not available
Kings River above Pine Flat reservoir Garnet Dike to Kirch Flat Campground Class III with one III+, class IV above 10000 cfs 9.5 miles,
1 day
rafts 1500 - 8000 cfs, kayaks 750 - 5000 then harder, IK minimum 600 at Rodgers Crossing, near Trimmer (KRT)
Kings River Garlic Falls Run South Fork near confluence to Garnet Dike Class V, class V+ above 2000 cfs 10 miles,
2 or 3 days
rafts 800 - 1800 cfs, kayaks 800 - 2500 optimum 1500 somewhat less than the inflow to Pine Flat (PNF)
Klamath River below Iron Gate Dam Iron Gate Dam to Happy Camp Class II with some class III (harder above 5000 cfs) 84 miles,
many days and sections
rafts 1500 - 15000 cfs, kayaks 1000 - 5000 then harder, IK minimum 600 flow measured at Seiad Valley (KSV) measured at mile 58
Klamath River below Happy Camp Curley Jack Campground to below Ukonom Falls Class III with one IV- (harder above 5000 cfs) 18 to 37 miles,
1 to 3 days
rafts 1500 - 15000 cfs, kayaks 1000 - 5000 then harder, IK minimum 600 flow measured 26 miles upstream at Seiad Valley (KSV)
Klamath River above Copco reservoir J.C. Boyle Powerhouse outflow to near Copco Reservoir class IV with one class IV+ at 1700 cfs, class V at high flows 16 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts 1400 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 600 - 3000 1700 cfs from one turbine, 2700 from two turbines (USGS)
Mark West Creek near Santa Rosa Mark West Resort to Santa Rosa Class IV (class V above 1000 cfs) 4 miles,
half day
kayaks 400 - 2000 cfs, IK minimum 300 estimate by analogy with Santa Rosa Creek (USGS site)
Mattole River near Garberville Thorn Junction to Ettersburg to Honeydew Class II-III (two class IV rapids), class I-II (one class III) 10.7 miles (1 day),
18.3 miles (1 or 2 days)
kayaks 300 - 900 cfs, lower to 1800 cfs, IK minimum 200 gauge at Ettersburg is between upper and lower runs (USGS).
McCloud River above Shasta reservoir Ah-di-na Campground to Shasta Reservoir Class IV (one V-), harder above 1000 cfs 21 miles,
2 days
kayaks 600 - 1500 cfs, IK minimum 200 measured just above Shasta reservoir (MSS)
McCloud River near Wyntoon Lower McCloud Falls to McCloud Reservoir class III with possible V- to start 12.3 or 13.5 miles (4.5 on reservoir),
1 day
put-in minimum: rafts 300, kayaks 200, IK 100 cfs measured at McCloud reservoir (MCD) estimate 20% at put-in
McKenzie River in Oregon Ollalie campground to above Leaburg reservoir class III+, then class II+ with one III up to 40 miles,
12.9 recommended, 1 to 3 days
all sections: rafts and kayaks 600 - 6000 cfs measured downstream at Vida (USGS site)
Merced River below El Portal highway 140 bridge to below Ned's Gulch class IV (class IV+ above 2000 cfs) 10 miles,
1 day
rafts 800 - 5000 cfs, kayaks 800 - 4000 then harder, IK minimum 600 similar to the flow at Briceburg (MBB)
Lower South Fork Merced River Snyder Gulch to main Merced confluence class III with several class IV rapids 7.2 or 4.9 miles,
1 day
rafts and kayaks 500 - 1500 cfs estimate 35% of the flow at Briceburg (MBB)
Merced River in Yosemite Valley Pines Bridge to El Capitan Bridge Class I with one II- 7 miles,
1 day
rafts 300 - 1200 cfs, kayaks 200 - 1200 flow measured at Pohono Bridge (POH)
Middle Fork Salmon River in Idaho Shortly below Dagger Falls to Main Salmon confluence Class III at most flows, with some class IV drops (one on Main Salmon) 100 miles (including 4 on the Main Salmon),
5 to 8 days
rafts and kayaks 700 - 6000 cfs, IK minimum 600 measured near Middle Fork Lodge at mile 34 (USGS site)
South Fork Salmon River in Idaho Near triple confluence to end of road on Main Salmon Class IV with six class V drops, harder at higher flows 36.4 miles,
plus 22.5 miles on the main Salmon, 3 to 5 days
kayaks 1.5' and higher, rafts 2.5' to 4.5' on the Krassel gauge at Krassel, above the Secesh and East Fork (USGS site)
Mill Creek off Mount Lassen Ponderosa Road to Highway 99 Class V (1 or more portages), harder at higher flows 30 miles,
2 days
kayaks 500 - 1500 cfs, IK minimum 300 measured downstream at Los Molinos (MLM)
Mokelumne below Electra powerhouse Electra Powerhouse to Highway 49 bridge or below Class II+, class III above 1500 cfs, brushy above 3000 3.2 or 5.1 miles,
half day
rafts 800 - 4000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 3000 then harder, IK minimum 450 slightly less than the inflow to Pardee (PAR)
Mokelumne North Fork to Tiger Creek Salt Springs Reservoir to Tiger Creek Dam Class IV becoming class V (1 line), harder above 1500 cfs 12 miles,
1 day
rafts and kayaks 700 - 4000 cfs, IK minimum 400 readings available on Dreamflows
Mokelumne North Fork below Tiger Creek Tiger Creek Dam to Highway 26 Class IV with class III in the middle 3 miles,
half day
rafts and kayaks 600 - 2500 cfs, IK minimum 500 scheduled release, see the AWA website or Dreamflows
Mokelumne South Fork Along a dirt road to some highway bridge Class IV with 1 portage about 9 miles,
1 day
kayaks 200 - 500 cfs or higher flow information not available
Navarro River to Dimmick State Park Hendy Woods State Park to Dimmick Memorial Grove Class I with some IIs 16.2 miles,
1 or 2 days
canoes and kayaks 300 - 2000 cfs measured near town of Navarro (NRN)
New River near Burnt Ranch East Fork or near Denny to Trinity river Class IV+ with stretches of II-III, 1 portage, then class V 4.5 miles to Denny,
4.1 to Panther Creek, 6 to Byoff, 1.5 to Trinity
kayaks 400 - 1500 cfs, IK minimum 300 judge flow near the town of Denny
Noyo River above Fort Bragg Northspur to Company Ranch near Fort Bragg Class II+ with some log portages 12 miles,
1 or 2 days
kayaks 300 - 900 cfs, IK minimum 200 measured near Fort Bragg (USGS site)
Owyhee River South Fork Ranchland in Nevada to Three Forks Class III with one IV and one V 69 or 90 miles,
5 to 6 days
rafts and kayaks 1000 - 6000 cfs (at Rome) measured way downstream near Rome (USGS site)
Owyhee River below Rome Oregon Highway 95 to Birch Creek or Leslie Gulch Class II with some Class III 49 or 67 miles,
4 to 5 days
rafts and kayaks 800 - 5000 cfs, IK minimum 600 measured shortly downstream of Rome (USGS site)
Pauley Creek near Downieville Third and Second Divides to Downieville Class IV+ with one portage 4 miles on Lavezzola plus 4 miles on Pauley,
1 day
kayaks 300 - 600 cfs, IK minimum 150 about 20% of N Yuba at Goodyear Bar (USGS site)
Payette River South Fork Grandjean Idaho to Banks Idaho Class II to IV+ with one portage 66.1 miles,
4 days minimum
upper section: rafts and kayaks 600 - 5000 cfs, IK minimum 500 measured half-way at Lowman (USGS site)
Pescadero Creek west of San Jose Portola State Park to Memorial County Park Class II with several logjam portages short hike plus 6 miles,
1 day
kayaks 200 - 800 cfs flow reported below take-out (USGS site)
Pit River near Pit Falls Fall River Mills to Highway 299 Class IV+ (1 portage), harder at higher flows 10 miles,
1 day
rafts and kayaks 600 - 2000 cfs, IK minimum 500 estimate after subtracting hydropower spikes (USGS site)
Pit River near Pit Falls Fall River Mills to Pit River campground Class IV (possible V), harder at higher flows 7.5 or 10.5 miles,
1 day
rafts and kayaks 900 - 1200 cfs, IK minimum 500 below Pit #1 (USGS site) so check AW site for release dates
Pit #4 Run above Big Bend Ruling Creek campground to Pit #4 powerhouse Class II then class IV, slightly easier above 400 cfs 7.3 miles,
1 short day
rafts and kayaks 800 - 4000 cfs, IK minimum 380 below put-in (CDEC PR4) or check Dreamflows
Pit #5 Run near Big Bend Pit #5 dam to Iron Canyon powerhouse Class IV (with short portage), harder at higher flows 10 miles,
1 day
rafts and kayaks 800 - 4000 cfs, IK minimum 380 at Big Bend (CDEC PRB) and check AW site for release dates
Putah Creek above Berryessa reservoir Middletown to Berryessa Reservoir Class IV+ brush with long class II stretches 16 miles,
1 or 2 days
kayaks 1000 - 6000 cfs, IK minimum 500 measured along this run near Guenoc (PCG)
Putah Creek below Berryessa reservoir Monticello Dam to Fishing Access #3 Class II with strainer hazards 2.5 miles,
2-3 runs per day
kayaks 450 - 900 cfs measured along this run near Fishing Access #1 (PUT)
Rancheria Creek and Upper Navarro River Mountain View Road to Hendy Woods State Park Class II+ 13 or 15 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts 600 - 2000 cfs, kayaks 300 - 2000, IK minimum 200 put-in estimate 33% of the flow at Navarro (NRN)
Rancheria Creek Upper Section Fish Rock Road to Mountain View Road Class II+ (one class III) with brush hazards 13 miles,
1 day
kayaks 200 - 1000 cfs, IK minimum 150 take-out estimate 33% of the flow at Navarro (NRN)
Redwood Creek above Orick Stover Road (or Highway 299) to Orick Class II, then IV (one portage), then class I 25 (or 41 miles),
2 to 3 days
put-in minimum: rafts 350, kayaks 250, IK 150 cfs put-in measured at O'Kane (OKN) take-out at Orick (ORK)
North Fork Rogue River River Bridge (below Takelma Gorge) to North Fork Park Class III, sometimes verging on IV 5.2 miles,
one short day
rafts and kayaks 800 - 4000 cfs, IK minimum 400 cfs measured, not transmitted, estimated (AWA)
Rogue River Wild & Scenic Section Grave Creek to Foster Bar Class III, one IV, one fishladder 35 miles,
2 - 4 days
rafts and kayaks 800 - 6000 cfs or higher measured upstream (USGS site) and downstream (USGS site)
Rogue River Scenic (not Wild) Section Hog Creek to Grave Creek Class II+ 14.4 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts and kayaks 800 - 4000 cfs or higher measured upstream at Grants Pass (USGS site)
Rubicon River near Foresthill 10 miles below Hell Hole Dam to Ralston Powerhouse class IV+ with < 12 class Vs, class V above 500 cfs 23 miles,
2 or 3 days
kayaks 500 - 2000 cfs at take-out, IK minimum 200 at put-in estimate low-elevation snowmelt by Cosumnes, see below for spill
Russian River East Fork Potter Valley to Mendocino Reservoir Class II+ (avoid a class V+) 2.6 miles,
half day
kayaks 300 - 600 cfs approximately diversion from Van Arsdale to Mendocino reservoir (COY)
Russian River below Asti Asti to Alexander Valley Road Class I with some II- 11 miles,
1 day
canoes and kayaks 500 - 1500 cfs somewhat less than the Healdsburg flow (HEA)
Russian River above Healdsburg Alexander Valley Road to Healdsburg Class I with some II- 14.6 miles,
1 or 2 days
canoes and kayaks 300 - 1500 cfs measured by the Healdsburg flow (HEA)
Russian River below Healdsburg Healdsburg to near Forestville Class I 8.9 or 10.1 miles,
1 day
canoes and kayaks 300 - 1500 cfs measured at Healdsburg (HEA)
Russian River from Hopland to Asti various segments from Hopland to Asti Class I to III 19 miles,
multiple days
rafts 500 - 5000 cfs, kayaks 200 - 8000 flow measured at Hopland (HOP)
Sacramento River thru Box Canyon Siskyou Reservoir to Dunsmuir class IV 7 miles,
1 day
rafts 800 - 5000, kayaks 400 - 1500 then harder, IK minimum 300 outflow from Siskyou reservoir, now available in PDF (daily graph)
Upper Sacramento River below Dunsmuir Dunsmuir to Shasta Reservoir class III+ with one class V up to 32 miles,
2 days
rafts and kayaks 600 - 6000, IK minimum 500 flow into Shasta reservoir at Delta (DLT)
Sacramento River below Redding Anderson River Park to Ide Adobe Park class I (some II) big water 11.4 or 35.8 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts and kayaks 5000 - 20000 cfs or higher measured at Bend Bridge (BND)
Salmon River into Klamath (Cal Salmon) Nordheimer campground to below Wooley Creek class IV+ (3 class V rapids), harder at higher flows 10.2 miles,
1 day
rafts (600) 800 - 4000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 5000 cfs, IK minimum 450 measured downstream of Wooley Creek at Somes Bar (USGS site)
Salmon North Fork above Sawyers Bar Idlewild Campground to town of Sawyers Bar class IV, class V above 1500 cfs? 7.9 miles (more by hiking),
1 day
kayaks 800 - 1500 cfs, IK minimum 500 estimate 25% of the flow at Somes Bar (USGS site)
Salmon North Fork below Sawyers Bar Little North Fork to Salmon Confluence class IV (3 class V rapids), harder at higher flows 11.3 miles,
1 day
rafts 1000 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 600 - 3000 estimate 30% of the flow at Somes Bar (USGS site)
Upper Salt River in Arizona Highway 60 bridge to highway 288 bridge Class II-III with maybe four class IV rapids 52.7 or 53.4 miles,
four to six days
rafts and kayaks 600 - 3000 cfs, IK minimum 300 cfs near Chrysotile at put-in, where you start on the daily low (USGS)
San Joaquin River South Fork Paiute Creek to Florence Reservoir class IV-V with some class II, plus boat-hiking 7.5 miles trail,
8 miles river, 6 miles reservoir: 1 long day
kayaks 800 - 2500 cfs none; due to diversions, Florence Reservoir outflow is misleading
San Lorenzo River near Santa Cruz Henry Cowell Park to Paradise Class III (one IV) 4 miles,
1 short day
kayaks 500 - 1500 then harder, IK minimum 250 measured at Henry Cowell big trees (USGS site)
San Lorenzo River near Boulder Creek Boulder Creek to Ben Lomond Class III or IV with cement waterfalls 6.1 miles,
one short winter day
kayaks 300 - 1200 then harder, IK minimum 250 estimate 3/5 of the flow at Henry Cowell park (USGS site)
San Antonio above Fort Hunter Liggett Fresno campsite to Del Venturi road 5.6 hiking and 9.5 river miles,
one long day
kayaks 400 or higher, IK minimum 375 (at gauge) way downstream near Lockwood (USGS)
Scott River above Klamath confluence Indian Scotty campground to Scott Bar bridge class V- (1 class V rapid), harder at higher flows 10.2 miles,
1 day
rafts 800 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 4000 cfs measured upstream at Fort Jones (USGS site)
Selway River in northern Idaho Paradise campground to Selway Falls At low flows, class III with several class IV rapids 47.7 miles,
5 or more days
put-in minimum: rafts .9', kayaks .5', IK .1' 1000 - 10000 cfs measured below take-out near Lowell (USGS site)
Sespe Creek near Santa Barbara near Highway 33 bridge almost to the Santa Clara River Class V with many portages, harder at higher flows 33.1 miles,
3 to 4 days, fair weather only
kayaks 400 - 800 cfs at take-out 7.0 - 8.0' on Grand Rd. stick gauge near take-out
Slate Creek at Lamoine USFS Road 36N20 to near I-5 Freeway class V to V+, below powerhouse class III+ to IV 3.25 miles,
half day
kayaks 200 - 400 cfs as estimated at put-in (check rainfall using SLT gauge)
Smith River Middle Fork Idlewyld to above Patrick Creek, Patrick Creek to Gasquet Class IV, optional class V gorge above Patrick Creek 14 miles (5.5 plus 8.5),
1 day
kayaks 500 - 2500 cfs at take-out, IK minimum 300 about 18% of Jedediah Smith gauge (JED)
Smith River North Fork Low Divide Road bridge to Gasquet Store Class IV, verges on V at high water 14.6 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts 700 - 2000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 4000, IK minimum 250 about 35% of Jedediah Smith gauge (JED)
Smith River below Gasquet Gasquet Store to above Oregon Hole Gorge Class II+, verges on III at high water 4.5 miles,
several hours
rafts 700 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 4000, IK minimum 200 about 53% of Jedediah Smith gauge (JED)
Smith River South Fork High Bridge to above South Fork Gorge Class III 12.2 miles,
1 day
rafts 800 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 2000, IK minimum 250 about 47% of Jedediah Smith gauge (JED)
South Fork Silver Creek above Icehouse above Autobahn to below Quadruple Bypass Class V with one class V+ and one portage 1.1 mile,
many rapids can be re-run!
as snowmelt is tapering off none, check reports on the forum
Stanislaus River below Camp 9 Camp-9 Powerhouse to Parrott's Ferry Bridge Class III with one IV (much harder above 8000 cfs) 9 miles,
1 day
rafts and kayaks 700 - 2000 cfs inflow to New Melones Reservoir (NML)
Stanislaus River North Fork near Arnold Sourgrass Campground to McKay's Point Class IV+ (three class Vs), harder above 1500 cfs 7.5 miles,
1 day
kayaks and small rafts 500 - 2000, IK minimum 300 flow measured near Avery (NSA)
Stanislaus River above Oakdale Knight's Ferry to Orange Blossom Bridge class I with a class II rapid to start, plus brush hazards 7.3 or 9 miles,
1 day
canoes and kayaks 300 - 2100 cfs measured at Orange Blossom Bridge (OBB)
Stanislaus River Goodwin Canyon Goodwin Dam to Knight's Ferry class IV- (3 class V rapids or portages) 4 miles,
1 short day
rafts (700) 1000 - 3000 cfs, kayaks 500 - 3000 measured downstream at Orange Blossom Bridge (OBB)
Stony Creek near Williams Mill Creek Campground to above Diversion Dam Class IV with lots of II 4.7 miles,
1 day
rafts 600 - 1500 cfs, kayaks 500 - 1500, IK minimum 300 less than the inflow to Black Butte Reservoir (BLB)
Stony Creek near Willows Stonyford to Stony Creek reservoir, Reservoir to Grindstone Fun Class II, Class I-II 7 miles,
6.6 miles, each one short day
rafts and kayaks 800 - 1600 cfs less than the inflow to Black Butte Reservoir (BLB)
Big Sulphur Creek near Cloverdale Below The Geysers to Iron Bridge, from there to Russian River class IV+ with portages, class V above 700 cfs upper 4.6 miles,
lower 8.5 - 9 miles, 1 day
kayaks upper 300 - 1500 cfs, lower 400 - 3000 measured at put-in (USGS), or lower when over 18' (USGS site)
Little Sulphur Creek near Cloverdale Geyserville Road to Big Sulphur confluence Class V (with about 8 portages) 11 miles,
1 long day
kayaks 200 - 500 cfs 15% of Big Sulphur Creek at the Geysers
Tomki Creek into Eel River Hearst-Willits Road to Hearst bridge class III+ with class V brush 17.5 miles (8.2 on Eel),
1 day
kayaks 200 - 600 cfs at put-in none, check put-in, avoid during heavy rain
Trinity River from Lewiston to Junction City Old Lewiston bridge to Evans Bar near Junction City Class I with some II (and snag hazards) 25.8 miles,
2 days
canoes and kayaks 300 - 3000 cfs flow measured near Douglas City (DGC)
Trinity River below Pigeon Point North Fork Confluence to Big Flat campground Class III with one IV- (harder above 1000 cfs) 5.5 miles,
half day
rafts (500) 800 - 5000, kayaks 500 - 4000, IK minimum 400 interpolate flows at Douglas City (DGC) and Hoopa (HPA)
Trinity River from Hayden Flat to Cedar Flat Hayden Flat campground to Cedar Flat river access Class II+ with some III- 6.7 miles,
1 short day
rafts 800 - 5000, kayaks 500 - 5000, IK minimum 400 interpolate flows at Douglas City (DGC) and Hoopa (HPA)
Trinity River Burnt Ranch Gorge Cedar Flat bridge to Hawkins Bar bridge Class IV+ (with 4 class V rapids) 10 miles,
1 day
rafts (500) 800 - 2000, kayaks 500 - 5000 [sic], IK minimum 300 measured at Cedar Flat (USGS site)
Trinity River near Salyer Hawkins Bar to South Fork Class II 8.4 or 14.2 miles (easier take-out),
1 day
rafts 800 - 8000, kayaks 500 - 8000 flow measured at Hoopa includes South Fork (HPA)
Trinity River below Hoopa Hoopa to Weitchpec Class II (one III) 9 miles,
1 day
rafts 800 - 8000, kayaks 500 - 8000 flow measured just upstream at Hoopa (HPA)
Trinity River above Clair Engle reservoir Tangle Blue Creek to Trinity River Campground or below Class III with one IV- 11 to 16 miles,
1 day
minimum: rafts and kayaks 600, IK 500 measured near take-out (USGS site)
Trinity River South Fork above Hyampom Klondike Mine to Oak Flat above Hyampom class III (2 class IV- rapids), harder at higher flows 16 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts 600 - 3000, kayaks 500 - 3000 cfs, IK minimum 400 estimate 60% of Hyampom (USGS site)
Trinity River South Fork (Three Bears) Big Slide campground to near Trinity confluence class IV+ (1 class V-) with 2 portages, harder at higher flows 17.1 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts 800 - 3000, kayaks 700 - 2000, IK minimum 600 measured near put-in at Hyampom (USGS site)
Truckee River near Floriston Boca (Little Truckee) to Verdi Nevada class II+ to III with two class IV rapids 6 miles or 15.8 miles (with diversion dams),
1 day
rafts (400) 600 cfs minimum, kayaks 400, IK 250 more fun above 800 cfs, flow measured at Farad (FAR)
Tule River above Springville Lumbeau picnic area to Springville class III+ (1 portage and one class IV) continuous, with brush hazards 5 miles,
1 short day
kayaks 200 - 800 (?) cfs measured as inflow to Success Reservoir (SCC)
Tuolumne River below Lumsden Lumsden Campground to Don Pedro Reservoir class IV (one class V-), IV+ above 4000 cfs, V above 8000 cfs 18 miles,
1 or 2 days
rafts 1000 - 5000 cfs, kayaks 600 - 8000, IK minimum 500 a bit less than Don Pedro daily average inflow (DNP)
North Fork Tuolumne near Sonora Riverside Campground to Main Tuolumne Class V with 4 portages 7.8 miles,
then 3 miles on main Tuolumne
kayaks 400 - 1000 cfs, IK minimum 300 none, good flows occur about a week after heavy rain
Tuolumne River from Cherry Creek Holm Powerhouse on Cherry Creek to Lumsden Campground Class V with some portages, harder at high flows 7.2 or 8.6 miles,
1 day
rafts 700 - 1800 cfs, kayaks 600 - 1500 then harder add Holm release (CBD) to Early Intake (TBI)
Tuolumne River above Modesto La Grange to Waterford or Modesto class I to II- with brush hazards 10 miles or more,
1 day
canoes and kayaks 300 - 900 cfs measured at La Grange (LGN) and Modesto (MOD)
North Fork Umpqua River in Oregon Soda Springs reservoir to Susan Creek or Cable Crossing class II-III with some class IV- 25 to 32 miles,
2 to 4 days
kayaks 500 - 4000 cfs, raft minimum 800 cfs measured near put-in at Copeland Creek (USGS site)
Verde River Arizona Wild & Scenic Beasley Flat to Horseshoe Reservoir Class II with one IV and some III, flow measured halfway 60 miles,
four to six days
kayaks 250 - 2500 cfs, rafts 500 - 2500 cfs put-in is lower, take-out is higher (USGS)
West Walker River at Sonora Junction Little Walker confluence to town of Walker Class III with several class IV or IV+ sections 11.5 or 14 miles,
one full day
rafts and kayaks 500 - 1000 cfs, IK minimum 300 cfs at put-in below Little Walker confluence (USGS) (forecast)
Whipface Creek in Oregon Cougar Creek to end of lower canyon Class III with several logjams and some class IV 40 miles,
two or three days
kayaks 400 - 1000 cfs flow measured near take-out (WA)
Wooley Creek into the Cal Salmon Bear Skull Flat down to Cal Salmon class V, with class IV and much continuous class III 12 hiking miles,
13 river miles, 2 days
kayaks 500 - 1500, IK minimum 300, raft minimum 800? figure 15% of Salmon at Somes Bar
Yuba River below Englebright Dam Englebright Reservoir to Highway 20 bridge class II+, one class IV, then class II- long dam portage,
6 miles, 1 day
kayaks 1500 - 3500 cfs, IK minimum 700 flow measured below Englebright Dam (YRS)
Yuba River Middle Fork Plumbago Run Plumbago Crossing to Our House Dam class IV+ with 4 portages, class V above 1200 cfs 13.5 miles,
1 day
kayaks and small rafts 600 - 2000, IK minimum 400 somewhat more than release from Our House Dam (ORH)
Yuba North Fork near Sierra City Haypress Creek (Sierra City) to Downieville class IV with several class V rapids, harder at high flows 13 miles,
1 day
kayaks 500 - 2500, small rafts 700, IK minimum 300 estimate 60% of the flow at Goodyear Bar (USGS site)
Yuba North Fork near Goodyear Bar Downieville to highway 49 bridge class IV with 4 class V rapids, harder at high flows 12.2 miles,
1 day
rafts 800 - 3000, kayaks 700 - 2500, IK minimum 600 flow measured at Goodyear Bar (USGS site)
Yuba South Fork Edwards to Purdons Edwards Crossing bridge to Purdons Crossing bridge class IV, harder above 2000 cfs 4 miles,
1 short day
kayaks 800 - 3000 cfs, IK minimum 200 flow measured downstream at highway 49 (JBR)
Yuba South Fork Hwy 49 to Bridgeport Highway 49 bridge to Pleasant Valley road class V, harder at high flows 7.2 miles,
1 full day
kayaks 1000 - 2000 cfs, IK minimum 400 flow measured shortly below put-in (JBR)
Yuba South Fork Washington to Edwards Washington campground to Edwards Crossing bridge class III, some IV, one portage, harder above 1000 cfs 14 miles,
1 day
kayaks 400 - 2000 cfs, IK minimum 300 flow measured downstream at highway 49 (JBR)